Featured Property

Darrell Pernisie

Whether you are a buyer, a seller, an investor, or just browsing the Vancouver market, you will find here all the information you need to make an informed decision.

The Lower Mainland real estate market can be overwhelming. My experience, knowledge, and expertise in East and West Vancouer, Burnaby New Westminster and Richmond can serve you well in navigating through the market and will lead you to choose the option best suited to your needs.

Please browse the information provided for you on this website, including the powerfully simple Google Listings Search. Do not hesitate to contact me directly should you have more questions or require any assistance.

Thank you

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  • After having worked with several real estate agents across Canada over the years, Darrell Pernisie has proven himself to be one of the most honest, enthusiastic and intelligent agents I have had the p ...
    ~ Joe (Architect) Aug 2016